Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Abhirama Bhattar

Abhirami is the Goddess of Thirukadayur near MayiladuThurai town of Tamil Nadu. The Lord Shiva who presides over the temple is called Amritha Gateswarar.
It is believed that while transporting the Nectar (Amritha) which they got by churning the ocean of milk, the Devas kept a pot of Amritha in Thirukadayur.This pot became one with the land and became the siva linga. It is also believed that it is at this temple that the Sage Markandeya prayed Lord Shiva and could avoid death forever.

One of her great devotees of the past was Abhirama Bhattar. He was so much her devotee that he never used to think of any other thing except her. This look like a mad man for others. 

People even suspected him of practicing evil rites. One day Raja Serfoji, the Mahratta king who was ruling over Tanjore visited the temple. The Archakas told him about Abhirama Bhattar. 

The king while returning to the palace casually asked Abhirama Bhattar the Thithi. Abhirama Bhattar who was at the time seeing the Goddess in his reverie, answered that it was Pournami (Full moon). Raja went his way. But actually the day was Amavasya (New moon).

Bhattar realized his mistake soon and felt extremely sorry. He then set up 100 rope hangings and hung in them. Below he created a huge fire. He prayed Goddess Abhirami to prove that he is right. 

This he did by singing 100 stanzas in praise of Abhirami.As soon as one stanza was completed one rope was cut.

It is believed that when he completed the 79th stanza, the Goddess appeared before him and reassured him that she will do the needful. She took her diamond ornament and threw it in the sky where it stood. This was so sparkling that it appeared like a full moon. The Goddess also ordered Abhirama Bhattar to complete his poem. 

He continued and ended with 100 stanzas. Raja Serfoji realized how great Abhirama Bhattar was and honoured him.

Purpose of sending this Small story was, the Supreme will ensure that HIS ardent devotee, who praises and spreads HIS Nama...is never Wrong.....

Vaakshidhi Dayakane Sharanam Ayyappa....