Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chottanikkara Makam Thozhal Ritual

Today Chottanikkara Makam day. Chottanikkara Makam is a highly auspicious day observed at the famous Chottanikkara Bhagavathy Temple in Kerala. This temple dedicated to Goddess AdiParashakti and attracts thousands of devotees daily. Women devotees arrive in large numbers on the Makam Thozhal day and are given preference at the temple. Chottanikkara Devi appears in full splendor fully adorned with jewels, ornaments, precious stones. It is believed that prayers offered at this period will be fulfilled...

On the Chottanikkara Makam day, the Murti of Goddess is taken out on a ritualistic bath. From there the Goddess Bhagavathy is accompanied by Lord Dharma Sastha and eleven caparisoned elephants to the open ground known as Pooraparambu – she stays there till noon. After this the Goddess AdiParashakti returns to her Sanctum Sanctorum and appears later on the day for the famous Makam Darshanam or Makam Thozhal. The afternoon ritual of Makam thozhal is based on the legend of Vilvumangala Swamiyar, who is said to have had a darsan of the goddess at this time of the day ( mithuna lagna on Makam). 

The sanctum sanctorum will be closed for decoration at 1 p.m. after the goddess is brought into the temple in a procession, and the chief priest Vekitan Embranthiri will open the Ashthalakshmi -adorned silver door on the dot.

For a Human Soul this Darshanam is Complete Bliss. Let Chottanikkara Mama's blessings be on all of us. Amme Narayana Devi Narayana Amme Narayana Devi Narayana

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