Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Nara Mukha Vinayakar

Nara Mukha Vinayakar, Thilatharpanapuri. This place is considered equivalent to Kasi. Thilatharpanapuri 2.6kms from Koothanur. 

Koothanoor is near Poonthottam which is on Mayavaram – Tiruvarur Road. The nearest railway station is at Poonthottam. The main deities here are Swarnavalli Thayar and Mukthiswarar. The name 
Thilatharpanapuri comes from two words thil meaning Gingely and tharpana is the Hindu ritual of performing pithru karmas (ritual of paying tribute to ancestors) to ones ancestors. Performing tharpanam here on Amavasya day is considered special. This is a Mukthikshetram. 

The shrine for Adhi Vinayakar. Here you can see Ganesha with a human head and hence the Naramukha vinayakar. This place is also known as Sithalapathi. The story of Shiva beheading Naramukha Vinayaka who was created by Parvati and then replacing the head with an elephant head is well known. What is less known is, Shiva had instructed his troops to fetch the head of anyone found sleeping with his head placed towards North. They found this elephant sleeping with its head towards North. This is probably one of the reasons why we are forbidden from sleeping with our head pointing towards North. Shiva named the boy Ganapati – meaning commander of his troops ( Gana) and granted a boon that Ganapati shall be worshipped by everybody before starting anything new. 

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