Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Five Faces of Lord Shiva

The Five faces of Lord Shiva are as follows :

1. Sadyojata
2. Tatpurusha
3. Ishana 
4. Vamadeva 
5. Aghora 

Sadyojata is associated with the West direction and represents Iccha Shakti- will power. Additionally, this face is Shiva’s function as the creative force and is associated with Manipura chakra.

Tatpurusha is the East face.  This face represents the paratman or supreme soul behind the physical being.This form is Swami's Ananda Shakti, the power of bliss. This face is associated with the earth element, Muladhara chakra.

Ishana is the upper or skyward face. It is the Citta Shakti. This form is associated with Vishuddhi chakra.This is the total energy of Shiva.This is the face of Shiva that is the revealing power.

Vamadeva is associated with the North direction.  This face of Shiva is associated with the shakti of strength and beauty as well as the goddess Maya.This face is Swami's Citta rupa.This is the preserving energy of Lord Shiva, and is connected with the air element as well as the Anahata Chakra.

Aghora is associated with the South direction and Nayana Shakti-the power of knowledge. As well as the Buddhi rupam meaning the form of the intellect and is connected with the water element and Svadishthana chakra.

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